Stress Release

The Stress Release aims to deactivate stress itself. Before addressing the issue and its core, the stress release’s goal is to identify the sources of stress. Stress defusion occurs through various liberating techniques that you will learn during different levels.

Program of the Course

Stress Release 1 - Success over Distress Part 1

How unresolved stress affects the body physically, emotionally, and behaviourally.

Learn to use body awareness and muscle testing to identify what is causing your stress and simple yet profound methods to eliminate the stress.

These procedures can be used for yourself or with family members, friends, or clients.

Stress Release 2 - Success over Distress Part 2

Additional techniques to defuse stress, change habits and put you into empowered states in new situations such as speaking in public. Goal setting, time management and procrastination, innovative ways to decrease neck/shoulder tension, strengthen the lower back and use breathing to eliminate stress.

Stress Release 3 - Defusing Stuck Emotions

Psychologist Dr Roger Callahan created a relatively simple yet very effective protocol to eliminate phobias and the anxiety that often underlies addictions. He also discovered a simple way to identify and correct for psychological and massive reversal, major ways in which we sabotage ourselves. Just as fear can become stuck to give rise to phobias and anxiety, so too other emotions can become stuck creating anger, rage, hostility, grief, depression, mournfulness, etc. We’ll explore the relationship of these emotions to the law of the five elements and modify Callahan’s approach to get these emotional states unstuck. Those of you working with clients will probably use these procedures daily once you have taken this class.

Stress Release 4 - Working with Emotions

Biokinesiology research discovered 53 reflexes for different organs. You will learn how to determine which are out of balance and three different ways to establish which is or are the priority reflexes. Then you will learn how to identify and work with the specific pair of emotions required to bring all reflexes back to balance. If you want an effective way to determine which emotions are causing a problem, this is it! Next you’ll learn how to introduce emotions into a Touch for Health balance, using gamma-1 and gamma-2 muscle testing, how to achieve longer lasting more robust corrections and how to use emotions to eliminate pain.

Course details

Duration of the Course

345 days –
200 hours

Number of Students

20 maximum

Timings of the Classes

9am – 12pm
1pm – 5pm

Cost of the Course

1000rs / day

Take the courses by levels

You have the option to either plan to stay for the entire 2 weeks and complete the entire course at once or take each level separately.